CEFTUS 2018 General Election Preview

21 June 2018

On June 24, Turkey will hold one of the most important elections in its recent history   

  • President Erdogan remains on course to be re-elected despite the potential for the contest to go to a second-round run-off
  • However, a renewed majority for the ruling Justice and Development Party is far from guaranteed amid an unprecedented show of unity among the opposition
  • A clear victory in both votes will see Erdogan given unprecedented power, but opposition control of the parliament would likely result in stalemate under a new and untested political system

On Sunday, Turkey will hold presidential and parliamentary elections together for the first time, marking the transition to a new political system that will see the office of prime minister abolished and replaced by a significantly empowered presidency.

The change is a significant one for a country that can trace a tradition of parliamentary democracy back to 1877…

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