Market Insights

Enhance Your Market Strategies with CEFTUS

Unlock Market Potential Between the UK and Turkey

At CEFTUS, we provide in-depth market analysis and strategic insights to help your business thrive in Turkey, Iran, and Iraq. Our services include:

  • Custom Research Reports: Receive detailed studies tailored to your specific industry needs. Our reports offer insights into market trends, consumer behavior, and economic forecasts.
  • Market Entry Strategies: Get expert guidance on entering and navigating new markets. We help you understand regulatory environments, competitive landscapes, and market opportunities.
  • Partner Identification: Connect with key local entities and stakeholders to establish successful partnerships. We identify potential partners and facilitate introductions.
  • Regular Briefings: Stay informed with up-to-date information on market developments and opportunities through our briefings and newsletters.

Market Data and Opportunities

UK-Turkey Trade Relations

  • Bilateral Trade: Trade between the UK and Turkey reached £26.2 billion in the 12 months to June 2023, making Turkey the 17th largest trading partner for the UK.
  • UK Services Exports: UK services exports to Turkey in sectors such as transport, financial, and other business services increased by 57% in current prices in the 12 months to June 2023.
  • Key Sectors: Major sectors include automotive, textiles, electronics, and machinery. The UK’s exports to Turkey consist primarily of machinery, iron, and steel, while Turkey exports vehicles, clothing, and consumer electronics to the UK.
  • Growth Opportunities: With Turkey’s strategic location and young, dynamic workforce, there are significant opportunities for UK businesses in renewable energy, infrastructure, and technology sectors.

Why Partner with CEFTUS?

  • Expert Analysis: Our team consists of top-level professionals from both the UK and Turkey, providing unparalleled insights and strategic advice.
  • Comprehensive Support: From market entry to establishing local partnerships, we offer end-to-end support tailored to your business needs.
  • Proven Success: Leverage our extensive network and track record of successful market entries and partnerships to achieve your business goals.

Get in Touch

Partner with us to leverage our expertise and gain a competitive edge in the UK-Turkey market. Contact us today to commission bespoke research or to learn more about our services.


  1. UK Government Trade Statistics
  2. Turkish Statistical Institute
  3. British Chamber of Commerce Turkey