The Centre for Turkey Studies kindly asks its followers to complete a survey.

CEFTUS has been hosting events focusing on Turkey and the UK relations, foreign affairs, economic issues and social developments in Turkey and the region. It would be a good time to reach out to you to get your input on the centre’s work. CEFTUS would also like to incorporate your recommendations for topics and issues you would like us to cover as we continue planning the events for the remainder of 2013.

Attached below is the link to the brief survey. We would appreciate if you could please take a few minutes to complete the questions and share your views with us. Your feedback is important to us.


This survey includes 17 multiple-choice questions. It should only take about 5 -10 minutes of your time. Your responses to the survey are confidential and will be generalized across survey parameters.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact us at [email protected]g