Director Dogus Met with Minister Lord Newby


Monday, 26 November 2012

The Centre for Turkey Studies met with Minister Lord Newby. Director of the Centre for Turkey Studies, Ibrahim Dogus, met the Liberal Democrat member of the House of Lords, Lord Newby, at his House of Lords office.

Lord Newby, having closely followed the Centre for Turkey Studies’ work, stated that the centre has demonstrated noticeable success and is proceeding to become an important organization working on the social, political and economic issues between Turkey and Britain, thanks to the centre’s objective approach. Lord Newby added that he would gladly continue supporting the centre within his authority.

Ibrahim Dogus thanked Lord Newby for his participation in the Centre for Turkey Studies events and his continuing support, and added that the centre expects more active support for future events.

Ibrahim Dogus stated that he hopes to see Lord Newby more often in the Centre for Turkey Studies events and that the centre is growing fast as an organization working on Turkey – Britain relations. The meeting lasted for about an hour.