Derya Beyatli

CEFTUS Online Talks: “Spotlight: Post-election in Cyprus” with Şener Elçil, Derya Beyatlı and moderation of Baroness Hussein-Ece

Derya Beyatli is a peace activist, political advisor and a writer born and raised in Cyprus.

She lived and worked in the United Kingdom, Belgium, Turkey, and France which helped her go beyond the traditional nationalistic narratives and look at the Cypriot society from a different perspective, a multicultural one.

As a firm believer in equal rights and freedoms for all and unity in diversity, she took an active part in many different civil society organisations and has been working together with all communities of Cyprus, towards creating an inclusive, multicultural, democratic and equitable society for all.

Ms. Beyatli is an international consultant managing social and economic development projects and a writer with a number of publications on the rapprochement of communities of Cyprus and the European Union.

She is a founding board member of Cyprus EU Association and the Third Community Forum working towards the establishment of an EU-member Federal Cyprus.