Gareth Winrow

CEFTUS Westminster Debate : ‘Dynamics of ‘New Turkey’: Domestic and Foreign Challenges 

CEFTUS Westminster Debate ‘Turkey, the Kurds and the Crisis in the Middle East’

Mr Gareth Winrow is an independent research analyst and consultant based in Oxford. He is also a part-time tutor at Oxford University. Previously, he worked in Turkey where he was a Professor in the Department of International Relations at Istanbul Bilgi University and also taught at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul. A recipient of two NATO Research Fellowships and a US Institute of Peace Fellowship, he has worked as a consultant for Eurasia Group and Sidar Global Advisors, is a member of Chatham House, and serves on the Editorial Board of the journal Turkish Studies. He has published extensively on Turkish foreign policy and on energy and regional security issues. A regular participant at the UK-Turkey TatliDil Forum, he is the co-author of The Kurdish Question and Turkey: An Example of a Trans-State Ethnic Conflict (1997).