Centre for Turkey Studies Holds Meetings


Friday, 4 January 2013

The Britain based organisation Centre for Turkey Studies continues to improve its work with events and activities. Ibrahim Dogus and Mustafa Topkaya from the centre recently held a series of meetings at the reception organized by the Labour Party group at the City Hall.

The reception started with a speech by the event’s host, the Labour Party group leader Len Duval. 200 guests including Ken Livingstone, MPs David Lammy and Andy Slaughter, Labour politicians and union representatives as well as the London Assembly Members attended the event.

Ibrahim Dogus and Mustafa Topkaya attended the reception on behalf of the Centre for Turkey Studies and met with a great number of politicians including Ken Livingstone, MPs David Lammy and Andy Slaughter, trade unionists and community representatives and had the opportunity to speak about the centre’s work.