Jesse Jackson says “Organized minorities can become political decision-makers”


Jesse Jackson, the legendary leader of the American civil rights movement came to London to meet with British politicians, activists and community representatives to share his experience as a great defender of civil liberties, human and minority rights.

Mr Jackson used to be the national spokesperson for African Americans in the 1980s and he received the United States Medal of Freedom in 2000. Mr Jackson met with Labour MP Keith Vaz in his visit to London on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the National Civil Servants’ Union (UNISON), held at the UNISON’s headquarters in Euston, London.

The reception was honoured by the attendance of the leader of the Labour Party, Ed Miliband, and Dave Anderson, general secretary of UNISON general and Dave Prentis, Unison assistant general secretary, Karen Jennings, sponsor of the reception. Also, the director of Lyca Mobile, SubaskaranAllirajah as well as representatives of London’s Turkish, Kurdish and Turkish Cypriot communities including Mustafa Topkaya, Fawzi Hussein, Ibrahim Dogus, Ibrahim Yuksel, Jamie Topkaya and Cihan Askin were participating in the event.

In his opening speech, Mr Keith Vaz MP said that he was proud to host the civil rights leader like Jesse Jackson at the event whereas Ed Miliband, talked about the impressive achievements of Jesse Jackson for democracy in the US.  Mr Jackson referred in his talk to the importance of the political participation of minorities and added that if united, they too can become political decision-makers. He also discussed his experience of defending fundamental rights and  the rights of minorities in the US.