Professor Fuat Keyman

CEFTUS and IPC Istanbul Roundtable Meeting on ‘Post-Election Turkey’

CEFTUS and IPC Joint Forum ‘Post-Election Turkey’

CEFTUS and IPC Roundtable ‘Post-Election Turkey’

Westminster Debate ‘Democracy, Identity and Foreign Policy and Turkey’s Inaugural Presidential Election’

Westminster Debate ‘Turkey’s Path To A New Constitution: Possibilities And Obstacles’

Centre for Turkey Studies and Chatham House Joint Forum ‘TURKEY AND THE ARAB WORLD: AMBITION AND EVOLUTION’

Professor Keyman is a professor of International Relations and director of the Istanbul Policy Centre (IPC) at Sabanci University in Istanbul. As a political commentator, Professor Keyman regularly contributes to Turkey’s newspapers and TV programmes on issues related to Turkey’s domestic political developments and its international affairs. Professor Keyman works on issues such as democratisation, globalisation, international relations, civil society and Turkey-EU relations.